Saturday, September 26, 2009

and life continues....

Hey everyone! Long time from the Young and the Restless I know...sorry about that. Wanted to tell everyone that I am doing great. I'm getting to play out a lot, which has been nice. Got my chance to play at the famous Tootsies a couple of weeks ago---which was awesome! For those of you who don't know...Tootsies is a famous bar downtown here. I've been playing keys/singing backgrounds for a couple bands here recently as well. They are friends of mine which is even better. One of the bands is getting to do some traveling---which I am super stoked about!!! I had my first real show for my own stuff the other day which was amazing! I had a blast....and I'll put some pics up for you guys to see. It was just the most fun I have ever had! AND I got to share the stage with one of my dear friends' Blessing---who did a set after me. I have never been so stoked for anything in my life...I had a BLAST! So SO SO much fun! This week I got to organize and help run Soul Choir auditions. Tough job--let me tell ya. Trying to keep everyone happy and answering questions for everyone, along with trying to have the auditions go smoothly....I am TIRED! hahahahaha....helping organize and run an event is tough---glad that I got the experience though...might come in handy someday. :) You just never know what God has in store for our lives. That is one thing that I have really been trying to do lately is have more Faith. Faith that God will show me and direct my way. Faith that when I step out onto that "ledge" that I will not fall face first. Faith that there is a reason I am here. Faith that when I pray, and I turn that prayer into trusting action, that something is going to happen. I keep on saying that life hasn't started, and someone very wise told me that this is has started for you. If this is not what you want...change it. So I am trying to keep my dreams least for this very moment in time....When it's all said and done...I want to say that I gave it everything that I had. AND that my faith was strong while doing it. This is a tough road that I am on right now---I will admit that my path choice is NOT easy. Why did I chose it? Answer: because I don't know what else I would do that would make me have the same joy in my heart. I have not figured out what else would give me that same joy and passion--and I guess until then....this is the road that I have chosen---and I have to believe that I can stick it out---at least for this year.

"I have to believe, he sees my darkness-I have to believe that
he knows my pain- I have to declare that he is my refuge-I have to deny that I
am alone..."

"He said that he is forever faithful, He said that he is forever
true, He said that he can move mountains--if he can move mountains, he can move
my mountain and he can move your mountain too..."

"I have to stand tall when the wind blows me over- I have to
stand strong when I'm weak and afraid- I have to sing praise when the hour is
midnight- He unlocks these chains that bind up my soul---------He's got
everything under control......."

Until next time.....Count your blessings! What are you thankful for today?