Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hello all

Hello everyone and welcome back to the readings of the Young and the Restless, aka me.  Well as you well know it's November...sorry that it's taken me awhile to write again.  I swear time just flies by and I don't know where it went.  But I guess that is better than just waiting for the time to go by.

So let's get down to it...I've been working really hard these past few months.  God has truly blessed me with an amazing place to work, wonderful co-workers, and a full schedule of students.  It's great to know that all of my hard work and dedication to my craft is helping others.  I love where I work!  Songwriting is going great.  I am constantly writing, and sending my songs off to different people to listen to and critique, and sometimes those critiques are helpful in so many ways.  So here's hoping that they find themselves in the right hands.  All of my gigs are going well also.  I'm getting several opportunities to play around town, which is wonderful...especially when I love to perform.

Married life is Wonderful!  It's the best thing in the world.  Wes and I have really grown on this journey and it's only been almost 4 months.  Which that is crazy to believe that we have been married for almost 4 months already.  To think what we will know in 10 years from now.  It's so crazy how time flies...Andrew and Shawna just celebrated their 7 year anniversary, and now have a baby on the way, mom and dad are at 30 years of marriage or very close, and both grandparents are celebrating 52 years of marriage this year.  Wow!  That is really an inspiration to Wes and I, that love reaches through time.  Thank you to everyone we know that has shown us what marriage and love is all about.  Picture from our wedding photo shoot...with all the instruments. 

Lady....well what can I say...she is a hand full but we love her. :)  As she rests by my leg, while I type, she is so calm and sweet.  She can still be a little ornery but hey...she's still a puppy.  She has become almost a champ when it comes to commands and being calm; however, she still has her moments where she freaks out.  She loves to play with the neighbor dog, Bentley.  So Lady's new thing is that if her and Bentley are outside on their leashes at the same time, she comes running to the door, bangs on it with her front paws, and just waits until Wes or I come to the door....because she wants off her leash to go play with Bentley.  As if to say, "Um excuse me, Mom/ Dad, I want to play with Bentley...can I play with Bentley, can I play, can I play please?????"  So that is rather amusing hahah!  Here is Lady with her thug hat on :)

Well until next time, enjoy the times with your loved ones....cherish every moment.