Thursday, January 6, 2011


Greeting all from the Young and the Restless...
Soooo this past month has been a whurl-wind...we have been trying to get over sickness, buy Christmas presents, celebrate Christmas and Birthdays, and New Years...but all in all it has been good :)

Christmas was awesome! Wes and I had our own Christmas and then had Christmas with both families. All of them were great and filled with love and happiness. Went to Minnesota to spend some time with the family up north. That was a lot of fun! Lots of snow to play in :) AND lots of snow toys to play with too hahaha....good times. It's always fun to go up north and be with family. Sooo then we got home and New Years Eve was right around the corner. Wes had a gig and the day seemed normal to me...but little did I know what was going to happen. He went to set up for the gig, I went to the gym and had lunch with mom....(apparently Wes had lunch with my dad too---but in secret..) So came home got cleaned up and everything and we went to dinner at this awesome pizza place. I asked if anything was the matter(cause he seemed a bit out of it to me) but he said it was just his cold acting I dropped it :) Again everything was normal to me...midnight came around and we toasted and kissed like normal. And then he got down on one knee(I froze)...he asked me to marry him. I shook my head Yes, he hugged me while I was crying and freaking out hahaha, and then he looked at me and said, "You never answered my question." And I said, "Sorry...YES YES YES!!!!!!" And we are engaged!!!!! YAY!!! I love him and our life together. Lady is excited too :)
Until Next time....what is your new year resolution?