Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fall and Winter :)

Hello all...Young and the Restless here. Lots of things going on. Work mostly, gigs, taking care of the house, and a little play here and there. :) Wes and I are doing great...although he has a kidney stone right now. That was not fun. Sunday we went to the ER cause he was throwing up a lot, had lower abdominal pain/back pain, and was shaking because the pain was so severe. All in all---not fun! But we had a great doctor that took care of him. So he has medicine and just taking it one day at a time. Hopefully he will pass the stone soon. He is getting anxious being in the house and I know all this pain is driving him crazy. I feel helpless because there is nothing I can do to help him. So pray for him.
Lady is loving life. She is getting so big. Now 26lbs. She loves running around, and playing with her new friends. The neighbor has a dog that she loves, and Wes' parents have a golden retriever, Summer, who Lady loves to play with. She had a great time in the leaves this fall too.Wes and I are getting ready for Christmas now. Which is exciting for me :) I love Christmas. Our house looks very festive now. We both had a great time decorating. I got us started, and then Wes helped me finish the decorating. It was a lot of fun decorating together. I am so thankful for a warm house, and nice things. I am blessed for sure.

The fire really finishes the look...don't you think?! :) Until next time...I hope you enjoy putting up your Christmas decorations...and remember the real Reason for the Season!