Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's official :)

Hello all...greetings from Y&R here. It's been a whirl wind of events happening around here. I'm gonna give this over to Hana to chat to yall about it.

Hana here...what's happening everyone? So first and MOST important...It's offcial Wes and I are married :) It was a fabulous day. The setting was a beautiful outdoor garden area in my Uncle Joel's back yard. The sun was starting to set and the glimmers of light were shinning through the trees...the grandparents and parents walk in, bridal party follows behind them, and Wes waits for me over the bridge. Dad and I open the door, start decending down the stairs, and then everyone stands and I am :) As I look over the bridge to my future I begin to get even more anxious than I already was. Excitment filled my heart and mind and I was ready to start the journey. Audrey and Corn sang/played "You're all I need to get by"...and I listened as I tried to hold back the tears....they were absolutly AMAZING!!! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect song that was sung. As the ceremony began...emotions started to rise...fighting back the tears of happiness....however I did break down during the vows....I couldn't help it. :) The ceremony went really well...Wes was very surprised that I wrote him a song that played while the unity SAND ceremony was going on. He loved it :) What can I say...that's what I do! After the ceremony we took personal pics...and let me just say that Monika did a FABULOUS job....her and Jason were amazing! Then we had delicious food and a "sand castle" Cake! Later on Wes and I danced...which was great cause he doesn't really like to dance a lot...but he did it for me :) We left after the dancing and stayed at a hotel for the night which was wonderful. All in all a Fantastic day and weekend.

Now back to real life...which hasn't been to bad adjusting back to. Lady is onery as ever...which I have heard that the 1 year dog days are like having a toddler running around the if that is true Terra I feel your pain (only Lady doesn't talk or scream...but she does howl at random things hahaha). The living conditions have gotten better...I have finally gotten all the boxes out of our living room and put things in their correct places. YAY for me!!! :) I'm starting to feel more organized now :) Well nothing else is new...but I wanted to check in with yall. So until next time...Live each day to the never know when it's gonna be your last. (especially today...Amy Winehouse died...)