Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fall and Winter :)

Hello all...Young and the Restless here. Lots of things going on. Work mostly, gigs, taking care of the house, and a little play here and there. :) Wes and I are doing great...although he has a kidney stone right now. That was not fun. Sunday we went to the ER cause he was throwing up a lot, had lower abdominal pain/back pain, and was shaking because the pain was so severe. All in all---not fun! But we had a great doctor that took care of him. So he has medicine and just taking it one day at a time. Hopefully he will pass the stone soon. He is getting anxious being in the house and I know all this pain is driving him crazy. I feel helpless because there is nothing I can do to help him. So pray for him.
Lady is loving life. She is getting so big. Now 26lbs. She loves running around, and playing with her new friends. The neighbor has a dog that she loves, and Wes' parents have a golden retriever, Summer, who Lady loves to play with. She had a great time in the leaves this fall too.Wes and I are getting ready for Christmas now. Which is exciting for me :) I love Christmas. Our house looks very festive now. We both had a great time decorating. I got us started, and then Wes helped me finish the decorating. It was a lot of fun decorating together. I am so thankful for a warm house, and nice things. I am blessed for sure.

The fire really finishes the look...don't you think?! :) Until next time...I hope you enjoy putting up your Christmas decorations...and remember the real Reason for the Season!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy November!

Hello all...greetings from the Young and the Restless (and Lady too)! Let's see what's been going on. Lady is feeling tons and tons better...she is now 22.5lbs. WOW I know!!! :) She is such a great companion. Here are some new photos:Other things...Wes and I went to the pumpkin patch and got some pumpkins. We carved them, and handed out candy for the little tricker treaters :) They were so cute!
Me and one of my best friends, Katie, walked for breast cancer as well. That was such an awesome experience! Both of us had never done it it was super cool that we got to walk together. We walked with her YMCA group. Cool group of people. There was over 4,500 walkers there that morning...and they raised about $200,000 for research. Amazing stuff!
Well that's all for now...Young and the Restless signing off. Until next time: Go play in the pretty fall leaves...It's good for the soul.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Member of the Family :) Lady

Greetings from the Young and the Restless :) Meet Lady....

The newest member of our little family. We will have to take a family photo one of these days for you...but until then you will just have to get by with her cute little face :) We rescued her a few weeks ago from the shelter. Her and her brothers and sisters were neglected and a little abused. I walked in and held her...and I was done. I knew she was supposed to be ours. Wes we got her that day. I was a little hesitant to share with you all because she has been battling sickness. First her spay got infected, then she had kennel cough(or so we thought)...but it really turned out to be pneumonia. Needless to say, we there was a dark period and we were scared for her life. The vet didn't know if she would make it or not. So we prayed, grandpa anointed her head with sacred oil, we nursed her food and water, and we loved her as much as our hearts could and then some more. She is a fighter :) and the outcome is looking a lot better. She just turned 4 months today. So we are very excited that she is still with us :) We are hoping for many more posts of her to come.

Mom's 50th birthday was yesterday. That was really exciting for everyone. We had a nice quiet get together yesterday and a masquerade party today. What a fun time we all had. Music, dancing, food, cupcakes, laughter, and much more. So glad that I have a mother like I do. She is one of a kind and I love her sooo very much. Much thanks to everyone who was a part of it and who helped make the party such a success. Mom really enjoyed herself and I did too.

Update on me...working, working, working...which is a good thing. But doing all of that and cleaning, and watching after the am I tired. I called mom the other day and told her that I didn't know how she did it with two kids, taking care of the house, running errands, and trying to sleep some....she(and all the moms out there)...yall are my heroes. :) Wes is super awesome though...he takes care of Lady so well too. He is a trooper!!! We both are tired; however, we are still finding time for one another...which is awesome. Granny says that if we can pass this test of taking care of a puppy (a sick one none the less) and still live our lives...AND not get angry at each other, then we will be alright in life :) Oh my Granny...she has so much wisdom! Until next time...admire the beautiful fall trees....God sure is a master painter when it comes to the fall colors...I love it!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where is the time going???

Hello everyone, Young and the Restless here. Where did August go in such a hurry?! It is so crazy that it is almost the middle of September. Well let's get started with the filling in process :)

August here we go...
Well I had some very successful gigs in August. Quite proud of how they turned out actually! I will put pics up soon....I have learned that musicians minds around here are VERY different than musicians minds down at school. I found myself getting severely stressed out over this entire process; however now that I know how everyone thinks around here, I have learned how to react in a less stressed out manner. :) Thank you to all the people that helped with that process. A lot of tears turned into a lot of smiles at the end. Each show had their perks. One show was especially fun because my BFF Audrey came and surprised therefore she sang with me at the show that night :) It was a really great day/gig.

Work is going extremely well! Which I am super excited about. I can't believe that I am a true grown up now. I mean I was sort of a grown up before....but now it just feels legit. Teaching music at these studios is even more wonderful than I ever imagined. I am really getting through to these kids/adults. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I could do this...and here I am reaching my full potential. It's a very exciting time in my life :)

Wes and I are amazing. I couldn't ask for someone better to support me in all the things that I am trying to accomplish. He is there for me every step of the way. This might sound a little silly....but I'm so glad he is around in my life. It's nice to have that feeling about the one you love. We are a good pair. We understand each other. And we work well as a team. I'm excited for what the future holds.

The family is great! Got a chance to hang out with them for Labor Day. It was nice to see everyone and catch up. It was also nice to sit and have a convo with Andrew about med school. I'm very excited for him and all his adventures that are coming his way. I know he's going to do great. Shawna seems to be doing great too. It was nice to see mom and dad just being excited for the whole family to come around. Got to play a little back and forth volleyball action with my cousin(which was nice--even though I suck at volleyball---sorry mom and dad I was never a volleyball champ like you guys were--hahah). Got to meet and chat up my cousins boyfriend--which was pretty fun. Ask him all these questions....hahaha. And it was nice to hang out with her too :) Nice to hang with my aunt and uncle too(Uncle Joel played volleyball with Lauren and I) the grandparents, my great uncle, and a really close friend of the family(which she is like another grandma). I think that was everyone.

Got to go to Santi-cali-gon days with my love...which that was exciting. Just got to walk around holding hands and being love struck :) Which that was so nice!

My good friend Terra is having a a bunch of my friends are throwing her a baby shower....can't wait to meet my little "niece" at some point--she's gonna be the cutest thing I just know it :)

Well I think that is all for August and part of September....And I'll post pics soon. But until next time, "There's no half-singing in the shower, you're either a rock star or an opera diva." haha thanks Josh Groban.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

pics from fishing

We had sooo much fun :) Check out and look on the fishing report and just all of the website really :) Brett is a great teacher and super nice too. If you ever need a guide/teacher you should check down there and get Brett to teach you how to fly fish. Thanks Brett.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

SOoooooo...It's HOT!

Hey peeps....Young and the Restless here hahaha :) Soooo let's just get this out of the way's soooooo HOT outside. I'm soooo ready for fall/winter. Light jackets, cute hats, a light scarf...ahhhhhh :) So I went fishing with my dad the other day, super fun! It was fly first time going. Loved every minute of it. Super fun! If you would like to see my big catch go to and look under the "fishing report". You will see me under the July 15th post. Brett is super awesome! He was our guide. He took us out on the boat and he is the best teacher ever. If you ever want to go fly fishing go on down to see him, he will hook you UP! :) He was very patient with me and I didn't tangle a line or break a line the whole time I was there....which is apparently really good for a first timer. Dad and I even caught a few fish together....saying "This double catch is brought to you by "Chartered Waters Boys"!" was fun. So needless to say it was fun...and if you ever want to go fly fishing go down and support Brett and the Chartered Waters crew. He's great. Shout out to Brett....Thanks for making my first fly fishing experience a great one!

Other than that fun-ness....just been working and playing music. Which has been really good. Loving this place and it has just been a great experience for me. All my students are doing really well. It's been fun to see their growth throughout these few months. I like being a teaching mentor.
We were trying to take a pic of us and the lights up above us one night and it didn't turn out to well; however, we had a blast trying to get the lights in the background of our photos....we were just cracking up the whole time. We had fun just being silly with each other and laughing a lot.
Us loving our time...
Us being us...silly :)

Wes and I are going strong. We have really just been loving life and hanging with each other. Learning something good and new everyday. I love him. good times!!!
Alrighty folks enough of my blabber....until next time laugh like you've never laughed before.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chillin :)

Today on the Young and the Restless we witnessed Hana in a whirlwind weekend, Wes and Hana are having a blast as usual, and Hana getting prepared for a fishing trip with dad. hahahahha. Hey everyone how r u? Well it has been a relaxing sunday. It's raining here so it feels a little like home sweet Nashville. Had a great time hanging with old friends today. Thanks to them for being cool. Got to see an old friend, Danny, who is on leave for a few from the Marines. He is awesome...and I thank him and the others in the armed forces for protecting our country. :) It is so crazy...I have never seen anyones neck look that huge...hahahaha except that one time that Andrew was in football and his neck got extremely huge too. It was really funny....Anthony and I were cracking up about it. :) Need less to say, he has been working out really hard and you can see the results from his labor. :) So 4th of July was great. Got to spend some time with Wes' family. It was a lot of fun. Hung out by the pool for a bit, had a BBQ, and watched fireworks from their balcony. It's really neat cause from their balcony you could see all the big displays. Cool night. The next day, we went to Uncle Joels house to have some relaxing, family time with my family there. It was really nice to be with everyone.

My weekend was great. Got to play music--AND get paid to do it. Lovin' this city. :) Friday night played for a church function. All the proceeds went to making a shelter house for homeless women. Great cause. It was nice to be a part of that fundraiser because I feel like it is closer to my heart than ever. Doing project homeless, going to the rescue mission with soul choir, and doing other events for the homeless has really become something close to my heart. I think that it is wonderful that us as human beings are reaching down a little deeper in our hearts and trying to help out our fellow man kind. I don't know about you...but when I think about being the hands and feet of God, this is one of the things that I think about. This shelter is going to give homeless women a chance to get off the streets for a couple months and find the help that they need. Sometimes all people need is a little time and some help to become what they were destined to be. Anyways...great fundraiser and I hope that they get all that they need. Saturday I played at the Canoe Club. Great place to play. Real low key and just fun. It was the dinner crowd. So we were background music. Wonderful :) It was so nice to play. I had a blast.
And today got to hang out with some old friends which was nice.

Wes and I are doing great. Everything about us living together has been wonderful. We are loving life and loving being together all the time. It's just the coolest thing ever! :)

Get to go fishing with dad...which I'm super pumped about. We went shopping the other day to get ready for it. I'm excited to learn how to fly fish. It's gonna be fun. I will post pics of it later.

Well I think that is all from us here at the Young and the Restless...until next time..."Glue...very powerful stuff." :) thank you Blues Brothers.....hahaha

Saturday, June 26, 2010


So I'm sitting in a coffee house...just chillin. I know shocking---I'm in a coffee house. I don't even drink coffee; however, they have excellent smoothies. Love the smoothies. :) So the last time i checked in you saw pics of CMA fest. Again let me say how AMAZING that was. I had a blast. So what's been happening in the life of the Young and the Restless since then you may ask...well work mostly. I have been working summer school the clinic. Super cute kids--and they are even cuter when they come in and need a band-aid. They are so sad yet happy that someone is going to help them out. It's cute. I've gotten to know a few of them cause they are ALWAYS in my clinic. Sometimes I'm like, "Ok, I know that you like being out of class...but seriously I don't want to see you in here for like a day or two. Stay away." hahahahaha....Umm let's see what else...oh yeah...Music Teaching! HOLLA! I am so blessed let me tell ya...I have two teaching jobs at two amazing studios. I have been fortunate to get these jobs. I am finally getting paid to do what I like to do. FINALLY! And I am super excited :)

Let's see what else....
Wes and I have been having a blast together. He truly is my best friend :) I have been loving being with him everyday. Which is a good thing don't ya think?!!!! ;) hahahaha... We have been living through with everyday life things, special occasions, dates, and everything in between. It has been perfect :) Oh and when I got home from work the other day...he was standing in the doorway with flowers...just because :) It was super cute! And the flowers are beautiful. I love him! That was so wonderful :)

Ummm...been booking shows too....which is exciting! Again have CD's for sale. Let me know if you want one.

I think that is all for right now....just thought that I would check in and be a little better with this blog thing :) Until next time... Go on vacation and love your life. I'm loving mine :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

CMA fest!

Welcome back to the Young and the Restless,

This time we see Hana in Nashville performing at CMA fest. She opened for a local artist Garrett Steele. Okay enough of the 3rd person stuff. hahahahaha.... I had an absolute blast playing last weekend. It was so much fun :) And I had the best trio to back me up too. Justin, Brandon, and Audrey were amazing! Here are a couple of photo's. Most of my friends were there, and it was so great to be supported by all of them :) YAY for friends :) Until next time...I'm on iTunes and CDBaby!!! YAY! Look me up :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

settling in...

Hey all...greetings from the sun :) It is officially warm and very humid here...don't get me wrong--I love the sun and I love all the things that come along with summer(i.e. bbq, pool parties, boats, lazy rivers, watermelon, cute shorts, not to much responsibility ;)...etc)...but I don't know if I'm ready to sweat a lot alllll the time....hahaha.

Well the EP is finally done and in my hands!!! YAY! I am SOOOO excited about this. Getting ready to sell it...and it's about to be on iTunes(which I'm super pumped about)! Everything is coming together with this finally and that makes me very happy :) Trying to get this CD release party/gig thing happening too. Just trying to figure out the best venue for the show--and who I want to play with me. Tricky hahahaha. Been writing a lot lately too which has been extremely fun. I'm hoping for all good things in that department.

I'm getting to spend a lot more time with Wes here lately. This makes me very very very happy!!!! I'm excited that we are getting the chance to be with one another and see how each other roll hahahahahaha :)

Anyhooziers....I thought that I would write and tell you about some of this stuff. Until next time..."For sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Sorry I pushed the wrong continue...hahahaha....
Work has been going is going great. Wrote some amazing songs with some people...trying to get them recorded and who knows maybe someday even sold ;) That would be the bomb! hahah :) Got a lot of exciting things coming up...weddings to play for, graduations to attend, less than 30days I will no longer be in a long distance relationship anymore!! YAY! I could shout that one from the rooftops--HOLLA! :) I'm so ready to be in the same area as my honey.

Other things....trying to plan a CD release party sometime/ hopefully that will all work itself out. Ummmmm....I think that is it for now...Until next time, "Don't sit on a cactus!" :)

CD almost here!!! Finally!

SOOOOOOOOO.....Finally got the CD in duplication! Thank the LORD! The CD should be rollin' on in around the first week in May. So I will let you know soon how to get ahold of it. :)

In other news....Audrey's recital was AMAZING! She did such a great job. Everyone loved it including me. Such a great recital. If you came you know how awesome it was...if not--I'm sure she would love to get you a copy to see it ;)

Monday, April 5, 2010


Spring has finally arrived! Thank the Lord :) Got to see family and friends for the Easter holiday which was amazing! I'm so glad that I have people who love me. And I'm so glad that I have a Risen Lord! I love the Easter holiday...filled with promise. The famous sermon, "Friday's here, but Sunday's coming!" Beautiful words of promise. Hope you all had a great Easter..filled with family, friends, and uplifting promise. Lots of things have been going on, but none are really to exciting. Just been working and playing music like crazy. Super excited for the times ahead.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Greetings :)

SNOW in the 'Ville'!

Hello there....Young and the Restless here---checking in with everyone. So the new year has been going pretty good so far. All my jobs and music are going really well. I can't complain. I'm meeting tons of people and making lots of connections. This town is doing good for me. I can't believe it is almost the first of February. Life is kinda flying by and then the other half is not. So my roomie got a boyfriend. Super cool guy. Love him....really I do :) I've known him since freshman year. He is super sweet to her and they are super cute together. Glad she found someone that cares for her so much. I'm soooo happy for her---but I do have to admit that I'm kinda sad at times. This long distance stuff can be rough sometimes. Wes and I are really strong in our relationship--so I'm not really worried about it...but I won't lie... I miss him a lot which that is really hard in general to deal with; however, then the creative juices start flowing--so I write a song. All in all Tragedy, Loneliness, and Heartache= great song material....hahahahaha :)

BUT hold on a second....Let's talk about my AMAZING boyfriend for a minute. He IS my rock! He is so strong for himself and for me in my moments of weakness. He is my best friend. I can call and talk with him about anything---and for the times when I am sad or lonely---he is right there to comfort me and to make me laugh-so that I will forget about the sadness and focus on our future. I love my honey with all my heart and I am so glad that I have a strong man by my side.

I have been writing with some awesome people here in the 'Ville'. Some great stuff has come out of writing in groups. It's pretty amazing to see first hand the talent that is in this place. Had a "jam" session the other night---which was really cool! A little bit of wine/beer can go a long way in the writing/jamming process.....hahahaha. DISCLAIMER: This only happens on occasion. :) I am almost finished with my EP. I know I know this has taken FOREVER...however, sometimes this process can take a long time to sound really good. I am just waiting on the graphics to come in so I can send it off. Hopefully that will be in the next few days.

So my brother is interviewing for medical schools. And let me just say how extremely proud I am of him. He is truly a brilliant man--and I respect him and look up to him so much. He's the guy that makes his dreams come true. He is my hero. He is going to make an amazing doctor wherever he decides to go. Love you big bro :)

Being on my own is pretty cool. I've learned a bunch. Managing money, taking care of bills, figuring out when I can hang out with friends because my life is based on what time I have to get up to go to work the next day.....hahahaha....being a grown up has it's points of awesomeness...but let's not over do that statement ;) I love my family too---they have been super supportive throughout this experience.

My friends are really amazing. I have been truly blessed with such awesome friends. Friends who care about me, want to be there no matter what, and friends that will just go out with you cause you need to go out.

Well enough blabber for now...until next time, "Fragile. Don't drop."----Posted on a Boeing 757.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year!

Hello all....Happy New Year from the Young and the Restless! ;) Well here we to spend a little time with family, friends, and my honey for Christmas and New Years. So grateful to have them in my life. I know that I would not be the person I am today without their love and support. Thank you to all. Starting the year off right with work--hahahah! Which in this economy--is very much a blessing! I love the people that I am working with and everyday is a new experience to listen, be a friend, or be a blessing to someone who needed kindness. I am very much excited for the new year! I think it's the thrill of the unknown that has me going. I'm excited to figure out new things, to make new friends, and to see where the Lord is going to take me on my life journey.

On a side note....saw the movie Avatar last night with some friends---Cool movie; however, it was a tad bit long for me--hahaha. It could have been 30-45min shorter and I would have been fine with it. The Director did a nice job though--and the cinematography was really cool. (sorry if I spelled that wrong)---anyways---

Just wanted to write a little bit...not a whole lot more to say. So I will leave you with this, "Friendship is a sheltering tree." Make sure to tell your friends how much you love them.