Saturday, May 22, 2010

settling in...

Hey all...greetings from the sun :) It is officially warm and very humid here...don't get me wrong--I love the sun and I love all the things that come along with summer(i.e. bbq, pool parties, boats, lazy rivers, watermelon, cute shorts, not to much responsibility ;)...etc)...but I don't know if I'm ready to sweat a lot alllll the time....hahaha.

Well the EP is finally done and in my hands!!! YAY! I am SOOOO excited about this. Getting ready to sell it...and it's about to be on iTunes(which I'm super pumped about)! Everything is coming together with this finally and that makes me very happy :) Trying to get this CD release party/gig thing happening too. Just trying to figure out the best venue for the show--and who I want to play with me. Tricky hahahaha. Been writing a lot lately too which has been extremely fun. I'm hoping for all good things in that department.

I'm getting to spend a lot more time with Wes here lately. This makes me very very very happy!!!! I'm excited that we are getting the chance to be with one another and see how each other roll hahahahahaha :)

Anyhooziers....I thought that I would write and tell you about some of this stuff. Until next time..."For sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain."