Friday, August 28, 2009

What have we learned???.....

Wow hello again. How I have missed thee :) Welcome to the rants and happenings of my life. It has been awhile since we have spoken with one another...Let me try and fill you in on life. I had a soul choir(the gospel/r&b group i'm in) gig a couple of weeks ago at the prison. WOW! That was an experience let me tell ya. I have never been more excited and scared in my life....hahaha. We sang great and let me say...we touched some souls that evening. Which was awesome. We glorified the Lord singing and we spoke his word to people and touched them. I witnessed lives changing in the rows in front of me. What a wonderful, blessed experience I had the chance to be a part of. I loved every minute of it. :)

Wes and I have been together for 4 years. Which isn't that crazy. hahaha....however, I have learned that our love CAN make it through anything. Which that is an amazing thought :) We celebrated last week when I was with him...and let me just say that I have never been more excited to see him in my life. hahaha....I was so giddy---we had a BLAST together!!!!!!! I just keep on loving him more and more everyday....which makes the missing him part get worse too.

I got a chance to record with Allen as well....making the project 90% complete. We have a few finishing touches left on it...then off to mastering. YAY! I'm gonna be soooooo excited when it's all done. We put strings on one of the songs which sounds great. AnnaGrace did an amazing job with her parts.

Started a new job last week....brings the count up to 3 jobs now. Don't cha just wish that you could have this experience....hahaha. But you prolly should wish that you get this one...I'm a driver for the blind which is amazing!! I love it. The people I have met have been amazing. God has really put me in new directions as a person...and it's pretty cool...if I do say so myself. :)

Practiced with Matt on thursday....gotta say---not our best practice...but that's ok...the one we had this week before the gig was amazing! We had a gig in town here last night...and the band was amazing! It was fun.

Last friday I got the chance to go home. That was MUCH NEEDED! I was in desperate need of family, friends, and WES time!!! It's crazy how much I miss everyone. Everyday it feels like a little piece of my heart gets ripped out. hahaha ;) A little dramatic I KNOW....but for the most part true. I guess I've always been a little bit of a home-body...even for camps--I never wanted mom to leave me....hahha. I know that this is a great growing experience for me...and I have learned soooo much about myself and how I work...and what I really want. Got a chance to have some heart to hearts with the family...and had some of the most amazing talks with Wes. Him and I both knew that this trip was needed. We both kept saying, "I'm so glad that you're/I'm home....I needed this." Which we both did. And I needed it double time cause family is also involved. :) And I got to see Andrew and Shawna's new puppy...his name is RALLY....super cute!!! I love my new furry nephew...hahaha.

Came back...did a show last night...talked with some booking agents for my OWN stuff...hopefully that will all work itself out. I'm Praying really hard for that. Well I'm going until next time--Go listen to Marvin Gaye...cause he has soothed my soul and I know that he will do the same for you :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

And the weekend begins...

Hello all and welcome....Previously on the Young and the Restless---we followed Hana and Wes to Megan and Eric's wedding in KY, and the stories of the life of a recently graduated young adult.
Scene up: We now see Hana in her more day to day lifestyle. And action:

So what has been happening in the past week of so...First off...finished accompanying summer lessons...which is always nice to the paycheck and the learning experiences that come from voice lessons. I was also told that I would make a great college voice professor...hahaha...maybe someday :) I've been personal training with Briley a lot lately...which is great for the money and the company. She is one of the coolest people that I know. Praise Report: Briley got me a driver job for a blind friend of hers that is working on a new project. Her friend goes into blind people's homes and teaches them the art of living by themselves, reading braille better, and other personal things that any person would need to know in their own home/town. So I talked with her the other day--and she seems really amazing. I get to meet her and her son sometime this weekend.

I have been practicing a lot as well...what else is new right. We finally got to practice at SIR on thursday which was a blessing. For those who don't know: SIR is an equipment rental place/ rehearsal space...great sound, full PA, stage, and other necessities that a band should have. All in all...great rehearsal. I LOVE my band mates!!! They are the bomb diggity!!! And all super awesome musicians. The singer dude might need some help cause he hasn't really sang with a band in awhile---but hopefully that will all work itself out.

Tonight I had a gig with the Soul Choir. We sang for the prisons...that was cool. Both female and male inmates. God was working and the Holy Spirit was present. It was a great night! I had a blast.

Tomorrow: Wes and I have an anniversary...which we will be celebrating next week...YAY! Recording with Allen...which I am SUPER excited about!!! Finally gonna try and wrap this project up. Willing and Ready to make that happen. Sunday: Church, maybe a nap(cause I am exhausted), and Soul choir practice.

Well not a whole lot more to say: Food for thought though....If you were stranded on an island for a year and could only take ONE song with you (that you could play over and over again)...what song would it be??? :) Have fun with that!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Already August

Wes and I at Megan and Eric's rehearsal dinner :)
The cake:)

The outdoor tent and plantation where the reception was held

Above: the first dance

Megan looking beautiful at her reception

Megan and Eric's party before the wedding required silly hats:)

Wes and I at Megan's reception

Wow! It's already here...the month of August. The time where summer is coming to a close, kiddos go back to school (not me anymore-insert smile on the face), and weddings are in the air. Well my friend Megan just got married! August 1st...way to get the month started :) What has happened since the last time we have spoken to one another???? My momma came to town--which was super AWESOME! We hung out, lounged by the pool, made food, did Soul Choir stuff, and just gallivanted around this great city. We had the best time...we always do:) Next on the list, PRACTICE and more PRACTICE. I tell ya---sometimes practice just gets old---but then I think about how it will pay off later on in my life...hopefully it will soon! That's what I'm praying for.

Wes came down and hung out with me for this past week...and let me tell you that was WONDERFUL!!! :) Our relationship gets stronger every time we are together. It was so nice just to be with him...not having to do anything specific...just doing what we wanted, when we wanted. I love talking with him, he is so smart. He came to the wedding with me in KY and that was so great. We laughed, we danced, and we just enjoyed each other. :) Great time, great time!!!

Up next for the time being, more practice, accompanying people, personal training, personal assisting, and doing anything else to make money. Trying so hard to stay above water. It's tough being a grown up sometimes. Prayer request: I sent in a packet of things to apply for a piano playing job at a hotel. Please pray that I get the would be sooo wonderful. Until Next time:" Eat ice cream....cause the simple things are always good!"