Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Hey everyone...it's been awhile SORRY! Life has been crazy stressful lately. But I will try and catch everyone up. So here we go with the life of the Young and the Restless.....
Well the month of November has seemed to pass us by:
With working A LOT like usual, Soul Choir practices and gigs, Writers nights, Trying to learn more and more about PR/Marketing, my own gigs, and the holiday---the month of November flew by.
Work has been great. You know the ups and downs of working--sometimes you love it and sometimes you hate it---well got to do it cause my loan repayment starts this month. YAY the JOYS of being an adult. Who ever said that this was what I wanted??? hahahahaha. I just wish that I could win the lottery like so many other people wish for :)

Soul Choir--it's been a blessing. I love Soul Choir with all my heart. And I love all the people in it. We got another chance to bless the Mission for the homeless---and that was amazing. Music ministry (in my opinion) is the most powerful ministry out there. People are just touched by the messages through these songs. It is the most priceless moments to watch another person's life change right in front of you. If you ever get the chance---I would recommend changing a person's life----or at least try :)

I had a writer's night with Brandon and Jeff...that was so wonderful. I am surrounded by some of the best musicians/ writers. It is so nice to be able to learn from them. I even played one of my guitar songs--WHOA I know....going CRAZY!!! hhahahahah.

The PR/ Marketing stuff....going good. Learning more and more everyday. Maybe someday I'll be really good at it. :) They are trying to teach me so much--which I am very grateful for.

My own gigs---Played for the youth down here at church (which was life changing as well). They are such wonderful young people--and have a lot to offer. I played at the Grand Saloon as well---which was amazing. I had such wonderful musicians playing with me that night as well.

And let's not forget the holiday----Thanksgiving!!! Man I have so much to be thankful for. Family, Friends, a Man who loves me, takes care of me, and protects me through every struggle and good time, warmth and a roof over my head, my gifts and talents, a God that LOVES me no matter what---and will ALWAYS be there when I need him, and so many, many more things.
I have other pics....but these will do for now :)

Well...up next: work..more work...playing music...having some fun...and the rest will fall into place :) Think about where God has planted you....and why?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

crazy busy!

What to say.........what's been happening on the Young and the Restless? Been Busy! hahahaha. Well let's just say that I have been playing with several people here lately and it has been a BLAST! I have been having so much fun! Got to travel a little and share quality time with musicians that mean the world to me. The musicians that I have gotten a chance to play with, and the ones that I am just meeting with to play in their band...they are so wonderful. Great musicians. And I've gotten other opportunities from those amazing musicians. We will see where all those opportunities go :)

My EP project is almost done. Waiting for the mastering to get finished and then ship it off. I will let you all know when it is finished :) Super excited! Allen and I have been working really hard on this project---yes it's taken a little longer than expected; however, it has been a great learning experience and a great project to work on. Stay tuned for that :)

I've been working A LOT! Man who knew the blind and little kids could make a person so tired...hahahaha ;) I've been trying to get everything in order---cause let's just say that loans for school are coming up rather quickly....AHHHHH!!!! Anyhoo, working....it's been a lot of fun too. I've made some new friends that are just wonderful and who I have been learning a lot about life from. They are truly amazing individuals.

Well not gonna lie to you all---life has been stressful! Trying to book shows, practice with other bands, keep track of the EP getting done, and working....oh man---lots of stress. I'm trying really hard to find time to sleep and get in some social time---cause if I didn't...I would go crazy without seeing people. Just praying a lot and doing what I feel is best for my life. That's all I really can do. Well until next time: Learn to truly love....for that is one of life's greatest gifts.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

and life continues....

Hey everyone! Long time from the Young and the Restless I know...sorry about that. Wanted to tell everyone that I am doing great. I'm getting to play out a lot, which has been nice. Got my chance to play at the famous Tootsies a couple of weeks ago---which was awesome! For those of you who don't know...Tootsies is a famous bar downtown here. I've been playing keys/singing backgrounds for a couple bands here recently as well. They are friends of mine which is even better. One of the bands is getting to do some traveling---which I am super stoked about!!! I had my first real show for my own stuff the other day which was amazing! I had a blast....and I'll put some pics up for you guys to see. It was just the most fun I have ever had! AND I got to share the stage with one of my dear friends' Blessing---who did a set after me. I have never been so stoked for anything in my life...I had a BLAST! So SO SO much fun! This week I got to organize and help run Soul Choir auditions. Tough job--let me tell ya. Trying to keep everyone happy and answering questions for everyone, along with trying to have the auditions go smoothly....I am TIRED! hahahahaha....helping organize and run an event is tough---glad that I got the experience though...might come in handy someday. :) You just never know what God has in store for our lives. That is one thing that I have really been trying to do lately is have more Faith. Faith that God will show me and direct my way. Faith that when I step out onto that "ledge" that I will not fall face first. Faith that there is a reason I am here. Faith that when I pray, and I turn that prayer into trusting action, that something is going to happen. I keep on saying that life hasn't started, and someone very wise told me that this is life...life has started for you. If this is not what you want...change it. So I am trying to keep my dreams alive...at least for this very moment in time....When it's all said and done...I want to say that I gave it everything that I had. AND that my faith was strong while doing it. This is a tough road that I am on right now---I will admit that my path choice is NOT easy. Why did I chose it? Answer: because I don't know what else I would do that would make me have the same joy in my heart. I have not figured out what else would give me that same joy and passion--and I guess until then....this is the road that I have chosen---and I have to believe that I can stick it out---at least for this year.

"I have to believe, he sees my darkness-I have to believe that
he knows my pain- I have to declare that he is my refuge-I have to deny that I
am alone..."

"He said that he is forever faithful, He said that he is forever
true, He said that he can move mountains--if he can move mountains, he can move
my mountain and he can move your mountain too..."

"I have to stand tall when the wind blows me over- I have to
stand strong when I'm weak and afraid- I have to sing praise when the hour is
midnight- He unlocks these chains that bind up my soul---------He's got
everything under control......."

Until next time.....Count your blessings! What are you thankful for today?

Friday, August 28, 2009

What have we learned???.....

Wow hello again. How I have missed thee :) Welcome to the rants and happenings of my life. It has been awhile since we have spoken with one another...Let me try and fill you in on life. I had a soul choir(the gospel/r&b group i'm in) gig a couple of weeks ago at the prison. WOW! That was an experience let me tell ya. I have never been more excited and scared in my life....hahaha. We sang great and let me say...we touched some souls that evening. Which was awesome. We glorified the Lord singing and we spoke his word to people and touched them. I witnessed lives changing in the rows in front of me. What a wonderful, blessed experience I had the chance to be a part of. I loved every minute of it. :)

Wes and I have been together for 4 years. Which isn't that crazy. hahaha....however, I have learned that our love CAN make it through anything. Which that is an amazing thought :) We celebrated last week when I was with him...and let me just say that I have never been more excited to see him in my life. hahaha....I was so giddy---we had a BLAST together!!!!!!! I just keep on loving him more and more everyday....which makes the missing him part get worse too.

I got a chance to record with Allen as well....making the project 90% complete. We have a few finishing touches left on it...then off to mastering. YAY! I'm gonna be soooooo excited when it's all done. We put strings on one of the songs which sounds great. AnnaGrace did an amazing job with her parts.

Started a new job last week....brings the count up to 3 jobs now. Don't cha just wish that you could have this experience....hahaha. But you prolly should wish that you get this one...I'm a driver for the blind which is amazing!! I love it. The people I have met have been amazing. God has really put me in new directions as a person...and it's pretty cool...if I do say so myself. :)

Practiced with Matt on thursday....gotta say---not our best practice...but that's ok...the one we had this week before the gig was amazing! We had a gig in town here last night...and the band was amazing! It was fun.

Last friday I got the chance to go home. That was MUCH NEEDED! I was in desperate need of family, friends, and WES time!!! It's crazy how much I miss everyone. Everyday it feels like a little piece of my heart gets ripped out. hahaha ;) A little dramatic I KNOW....but for the most part true. I guess I've always been a little bit of a home-body...even for camps--I never wanted mom to leave me....hahha. I know that this is a great growing experience for me...and I have learned soooo much about myself and how I work...and what I really want. Got a chance to have some heart to hearts with the family...and had some of the most amazing talks with Wes. Him and I both knew that this trip was needed. We both kept saying, "I'm so glad that you're/I'm home....I needed this." Which we both did. And I needed it double time cause family is also involved. :) And I got to see Andrew and Shawna's new puppy...his name is RALLY....super cute!!! I love my new furry nephew...hahaha.

Came back...did a show last night...talked with some booking agents for my OWN stuff...hopefully that will all work itself out. I'm Praying really hard for that. Well I'm going out...so until next time--Go listen to Marvin Gaye...cause he has soothed my soul and I know that he will do the same for you :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

And the weekend begins...

Hello all and welcome....Previously on the Young and the Restless---we followed Hana and Wes to Megan and Eric's wedding in KY, and the stories of the life of a recently graduated young adult.
Scene up: We now see Hana in her more day to day lifestyle. And action:

So what has been happening in the past week of so...First off...finished accompanying summer lessons...which is always nice to the paycheck and the learning experiences that come from voice lessons. I was also told that I would make a great college voice professor...hahaha...maybe someday :) I've been personal training with Briley a lot lately...which is great for the money and the company. She is one of the coolest people that I know. Praise Report: Briley got me a driver job for a blind friend of hers that is working on a new project. Her friend goes into blind people's homes and teaches them the art of living by themselves, reading braille better, and other personal things that any person would need to know in their own home/town. So I talked with her the other day--and she seems really amazing. I get to meet her and her son sometime this weekend.

I have been practicing a lot as well...what else is new right. We finally got to practice at SIR on thursday which was a blessing. For those who don't know: SIR is an equipment rental place/ rehearsal space...great sound, full PA, stage, and other necessities that a band should have. All in all...great rehearsal. I LOVE my band mates!!! They are the bomb diggity!!! And all super awesome musicians. The singer dude might need some help cause he hasn't really sang with a band in awhile---but hopefully that will all work itself out.

Tonight I had a gig with the Soul Choir. We sang for the prisons...that was cool. Both female and male inmates. God was working and the Holy Spirit was present. It was a great night! I had a blast.

Tomorrow: Wes and I have an anniversary...which we will be celebrating next week...YAY! Recording with Allen...which I am SUPER excited about!!! Finally gonna try and wrap this project up. Willing and Ready to make that happen. Sunday: Church, maybe a nap(cause I am exhausted), and Soul choir practice.

Well not a whole lot more to say: Food for thought though....If you were stranded on an island for a year and could only take ONE song with you (that you could play over and over again)...what song would it be??? :) Have fun with that!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Already August

Wes and I at Megan and Eric's rehearsal dinner :)
The cake:)

The outdoor tent and plantation where the reception was held

Above: the first dance

Megan looking beautiful at her reception

Megan and Eric's party before the wedding required silly hats:)

Wes and I at Megan's reception

Wow! It's already here...the month of August. The time where summer is coming to a close, kiddos go back to school (not me anymore-insert smile on the face), and weddings are in the air. Well my friend Megan just got married! August 1st...way to get the month started :) What has happened since the last time we have spoken to one another???? My momma came to town--which was super AWESOME! We hung out, lounged by the pool, made food, did Soul Choir stuff, and just gallivanted around this great city. We had the best time...we always do:) Next on the list, PRACTICE and more PRACTICE. I tell ya---sometimes practice just gets old---but then I think about how it will pay off later on in my life...hopefully it will soon! That's what I'm praying for.

Wes came down and hung out with me for this past week...and let me tell you that was WONDERFUL!!! :) Our relationship gets stronger every time we are together. It was so nice just to be with him...not having to do anything specific...just doing what we wanted, when we wanted. I love talking with him, he is so smart. He came to the wedding with me in KY and that was so great. We laughed, we danced, and we just enjoyed each other. :) Great time, great time!!!

Up next for the time being, more practice, accompanying people, personal training, personal assisting, and doing anything else to make money. Trying so hard to stay above water. It's tough being a grown up sometimes. Prayer request: I sent in a packet of things to apply for a piano playing job at a hotel. Please pray that I get the job...it would be sooo wonderful. Until Next time:" Eat ice cream....cause the simple things are always good!"

Friday, July 24, 2009

More of life...

So this past weekend was Megan's Bachelorette party in KY. SOOOOOO much fun! Couldn't have asked for a better weekend...both weather wise and people wise. We just had a blast. One of the bridesmaides parents own a big cabin by the lake. That was so much fun.

On monday, I started back up with guitar lessons. Ryan from the band is giving me lessons. Trying to get my chops back--hahaha=) I'm singing with one of my old friends from college in her senior recital. I'm super pumped!!! It sounds great. The band sounds great---she sounds great...all in all a wonderful senior recital.

Had practice with Matt last night. Which I thought went really well considering it was the first rehearsal that we all got to bring our real instruments. We have been doing acoustic practices--which is fine--but it was nice to have the full band sound last night. I like playing with all the guys. They are super talented and a wonderful bunch to hang around with. I'm sooooo glad that they fell into my life. Regardless of if this goes anywhere or not...I gotten some great contacts and some wonderful friendships. (Which to me is the most important thing)...I mean don't get me wrong--would I like to make lots of money playing music--hell yeah I would--but the relationships that one makes along this journey called life--is WAY more important.

Well of to see/be in recitals today....enough blabber....but until next time: Have you ever thought about how ridiculous a person looks when he/she is trying to hear themselves sing in a loud room? Think about it--one hand on the ear, one hand trying to make the microphone be properly centered, squinty eyes, and usually some sort of body bending. hahaha. Believe me I have prolly had my fair share of hand in the ear technique; however in my opinion, it is always good to laugh at yourself after doing it (or someone else will). Just some food for thought....haha.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Here we go...

So hey people...what's going on??? Well here is the life update from the last post til now. So life has consisted of a couple different things in the past week or so---Practice for the new band, auditioning for Big Bang(the piano bar downtown), doing all of my odd jobs for money, working out, eating and sleeping. That's bout it---maybe laying by the pool when it hasn't been rainy and cloudy.

PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE makes perfect. Ain't that the truth. haha. Matt wanted the first 10 songs on the cd that he gave us to be ready to go for practice this week. Let me tell ya--charting out all of those songs really made me memorize better. Crazy I know....but it worked none-the-less. The guys are super great. After practice last week, we all got the opportunity to get together and hang out and get to know one another. Mark, the drummer, has a sweet loft downtown with his girlfriend. We all went down there to hang out and be close to downtown, and then ate off of 2nd. All in all, it was a wonderful experience...and like I said, all the guys are wonderful. =)
So my audition for Big Bang(dueling piano bar)--was on friday for happy hour. Lucky for me I had the support of friends....Audrey, Terra, and Andrew came down to watch me...and to keep my nerves at a minimum. haha...thanks guys! I got up there and 'dueled' with the guy that asked me out. He played a song...I played a song....and on it went. I played a couple of tunes and sang and played the best I could along with his tunes as well. Note to self: Hotel California is a difficult song, lots of changes, and should only be played with a guitar--hahaha;). They want me to come back Wednesday night to get a feel for the normal crowd and how the 'skit' is done. Hopefully it will work out...so pray:)

Odd Jobs: cleaning houses for money, running errands for money, watching children for money, charting songs and accompanying for money.....gosh crazy times. Working out has been fun lately---why you ask: Tennis. I have never played tennis in my life; however, Audrey is a big fan--so she is teaching me. Got to say that I kinda like it. Not that I want to be Venus Williams...but it's fun. Ahhh then comes the essentials of life: eating and sleeping. Been doing some of that too--not a whole whole lot--but enough to survive.

Well not a whole lot more to say...but I thought that I would throw in some pics of the apt and other things....

Wes and I before the Earth, Wind, and Fire concert...man that was a great concert!!! Loved it! and Love Him!!!!

Alrighty enough with the chit chatting...until next time: "Girls are like phones. We love to be held, talked to, but if you press the wrong button you'll be disconnected!" hahahaha

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy 4th and Beyond

Hey everyone....Happy late 4th on here...haha. Had a pretty good 4th except for the fact that it rained most of the weekend....I only got to see a couple of fireworks. I was sooo disappointed. Anyways....Audrey's friend, Miranda, came into town and stayed with us this past weekend. Which was a blast...so is so cool and nice. They both came to watch me perform with Soul Choir on the 4th. Soul Choir sang for an event called "In God We Trust"....which I have to say wasn't to bad. Phil Stacey--from American Idol was there....and he did an AMAZING song that he wrote in honor of the 4th, our veterans....etc. It was great. And yes Soul Choir had choreography...it was extremely hilarious!!! haha... Soul Choir also sang on the 5th at the Nashville Rescue Mission--which is always a great time. Those men need all the hope and love they can get....and we are there to provide the music and the ministry--and that was good.

This week has been filled with Practice, Practice and oh wait MORE PRACTICE! haha....getting ready for the first rehearsal with the band on Thursday. A little nervous but that is ok. I have been charting out songs like crazy. He gave us a cd filled with 20 songs...plus another 2 that he couldn't get on the cd. So that is what my life has consisted of. Oh yeah and I paid the electric bill---way to go...haha. Big kid tasks left and right. Well I'm off to run errands...but until next time..."Life is like an onion; you peel off one layer at a time and sometimes you weep". haha

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Getting Life in Order :)

So wow...it's been awhile..sorry peeps. I went to KC to visit family and friends and my honey:) So I got to see people that I haven't seen in several months, got to cook some amazing food, ate some amazing food, and went to an AWESOME concert---Earth, Wind, and Fire/Chicago. EWF was by far the best! haha...I know it's not really a contest; however if it was, EWF would have kicked some serious butt! haha. Had some quality family time which was amazing. Mom and Dad had a party for me on Saturday--which was nice. It was nice to see old family friends, and my friends now. Katie and Charlie came with their baby, Gage. He is sooooo cute!!! They are amazing parents and I'm interested to see where life takes them. Bob and T came by and hung out before Bob went to play with Clint at the Trouser Mouse. Andrew and Shawna came by as well...which was so wonderful. I have missed them a lot while I have been here in the great city of Nashvegas. So it was great to check in with them. Andrew took his MCAT today...which I was praying that everything would be good. We had lunch on tuesday while I was there...and he was excited and kinda nervous at the same time....which I would have been both too. I hope everything went good for you today Andrew!!!

Off to the life part of the blog:
So the audition that I had last week before I went back to KC...it went really well...and they Hired Me!!!! Thank you Jesus! I had my first meeting today with Matt and the rest of the guys which was amazing. They all seem like a wonderful group of people. I'm excited to work with them and to grow musically. I'm excited to be pushed to my limits....Here we go!!! :) We start practices next week and he says that he wants to start a tour perhaps in August, if we are all ready. Which I hope so....cause momma gotta pay her bills...hahah! I only say that cause I got the electric bill in the mail today. LUCKY ME! NOT! haha.

This weekend should be fun....I'm hoping to just relax and sing a little bit. Soul Choir is singing at a big event called "In God We Trust". We have a super great spot...almost headliner material..haha. It will be good.

Well as many times before I have blabbed on and on and on....time to stop and go relax--it's been a busy day with practices, charting, meetings, and errands. But until next time ponder this: "If Dracula can't see his reflection in a mirror, how come his hair is always so neatly combed?"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

pics from moving:)

Here are some pics from the move...not very many...but if you talk with my dad I'm sure that he will show you some more:)

Wes in the U-Haul

Wes and I chillin' and going out after a long day of packing/moving:)
Dad helping build stuff...and me helping too;)
Mom organizing which is AWESOME!:)

Gosh I love all of them:)
Finally all moved in which is awesome...Audrey just has to put the final touches on her room and that will be done too. By the time I get back from KC next week...her room and everything should be done. Can't wait to see the final product...haha...I'll put pics of that up soon too. But until next time....NOTE: Remember to get your fingers out of the way when applying 'Instant Krazy Glue' or else you will be in pain trying to get your fingers unstuck. haha Good Luck with all your Krazy Glue experiences....Up Up and Away!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


So......I moved....to Brentwood, TN....which for all of you who don't know where that is...it is about 10-15min away from where I lived before..haha. Got ya...you thought that I moved somewhere really far away didn't you...didn't you??? ;) Anyways we have all been there. Moving is not the most joyous thing in the universe; however, sometimes you have to make it work--in my case...it was cheaper..haha.

Wes....my wonderful, supportive, caring, and loving honey came down and surprised me last Friday=) I was so shocked and so just plain relieved that he was there....at the airport...in Nashville. He really is the best. And I love him more than words could ever express:) I was so grateful to him. We rented a U-Haul truck on Wednesday for the move...now ladies and gents I am not a truck-driving-woman (at least not a big U-Haul---give me a pick-up truck any day and I will be more than happy to drive that around proudly...but not a U-Haul..to risky for me..haha) But my honey (my knight in shining armor...who came riding in on a big, silver, steel horse---haha..aka a plane) graciously took on the position needed and help load the U-Haul and then drive it. I will put up pics soon---good stuff. We got most of the big stuff, and the heavy stuff in on Wednesday so that mom and dad wouldn't have to do a whole lot of lifting. All in all a very productive Wednesday....and a very productive and wonderful weekend/week with my honey love:)

Thursday...Wes had to leave:( sad day....but lucky for me the parents drove down and got in late Thursday night. Friday morning we got up pretty early and got started on the apt---let me tell ya that was a crazy job---but we all handled it fairly well I would say--especially since all 3 of us are super hard headed. haha. Everything is coming together and I am super thankful to have family and a boyfriend who loves me so much. I thank God everyday for family, friends, and my honey love:)

Well today( sat 20th) is my parents anniversary....I think that they have been together for like 27 years or something crazy like that---I only hope that someday I will have a love strong enough to last the ages and to be a good role model for my kids someday...Love you both mom and dad---thanks for being such great parents and role models for me in my life!

Sadly the parents are going tomorrow...but I will venture onward...to fulfill my destiny...to take the world by storm....to....hahaha....you thought that I would continue---good one;) Well until next time: "Life is like a box of chocolates...you never know what you're gonna get".......RESPONSE: "But what if I don't like what I get...what if I get some disgusting coconut one and what I really wanted was the sweet, awesome Carmel one...huh...huh...what happens then huh....I'll tell ya what happens then----I'm gonna spit it out, get the sweet, awesome Carmel one and laugh at the box that gave me the wrong choice"....haha....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Honey in Nashville!

So first and fore most....my honey came and surprised me on friday. He flew into Nashville and made me think that he was having dinner with his parents....when really he was on a plane...YAY!!!!=) I love him...he is super good=)

I had my first practice with the road group on monday night. It went alright. I was really hard on myself though. You know...you always want to be better and that is always me. Not to say that I don't think that I did a good job; however, I know that I could have been even better. I guess that is just my inner perfectionist coming out...haha.

I move tomorrow...gross. I hate moving...but this is necessary cause it's cheaper...haha--and anything to make my time in Nashville better...haha. ya know. =) I'm excited to have Audrey as a roomie tho...she is going to make life easier...which is good.

Thursday...a sad but good day. Wes has to leave to go back home but the parents are driving down to help make my moving days a little better. Thank the Lord for my parents and Wes--he is gonna help me move before he leaves on Thursday. Gosh he is good..hhehe.

Friday, I am playing at Hotel Indigo...which should be a good time. I'm excited for that. Also excited that my parents get to come watch me play. And I'm super excited to have my daddy here for father's day. Even though they will be leaving sometime on Sunday...but it'll be nice to have them here=)

Well I don't have much else to say....and my honey is calling my name so I better go=) But until next time... "Remember: Don't insult the alligator till after you cross the river."

Friday, June 12, 2009

Counting the blessings that God has given me:)

So here we go....r u ready??? I got a gig! A real life, one of a kind, awesome opportunity gig! Ok...here's the dealio...so got a call from this girl that I went to Belmont with--her name is Sarah. Super awesome girl....and my mentor when it comes to piano. She is AMAZING! I want to be like her...haha. She texted me the other day and asked me a question...I will try and reenact it for you....here goes...

Sarah: Hey Hana! What's up?
Me: Nothing much how bout you?
Sarah: Nothing much. Hey question for you? I need a sub for a great road gig--it would be for july 12th and 17-18th....can you do it?
Me: *Gasp* uhhhh YEAH I can!!!!! Thank you soooo much......blah blah blah-
Sarah: Ok I will call you with the details later....
End Scene

hahahaha.....Awesome right!!!! I feel so blessed to have her as a friend and so blessed that she trusts me enough to take her spot. Crazy!!! So that is the big news of the week. My first practice with the group is Monday...AHHHH! haha.

Next on the agenda:
So as I told you before...I feel just like a big kid now because I set up my electricity in my name and now I have comcast set up as well. Oh man let me tell you that was a fiasco. I have been trying to get the best deal for about a week now. Calling a whole bunch of people, getting prices, figuring out how to get those prices to last for the entire year--haha. So I found the best price or so I thought online at comcast. Word to the wise people--comcast WILL rip you off online. They are the cheapest...but find a different way to do it cause online pretty much sucks...haha. Need less to say I was going crazy and I thought that my head was going to explode; however, I talked with Wes (my very wise honey bun) and he said to try calling the apt complex (which I had not thought to do)...so when I called and asked about cable service guess what they said....Didn't you get your welcome packet? hahahahahahaha ummmmm NO!!!! No I didn't get any such thing. So I told them that and they responded with "huh...well that is odd. Here is the cable representative's phone number for our area." A. I was a little ticked off that I didn't get a welcome packet. B. I was even more ticked off that the welcome packet would have saved me a TON of time calling all these stupid people. So I took their phone number and called Padro. Who let me just say is like my Mexican angel. He fixed everything up for me over the phone. PRAISE HIM! Hall-e-lu-jer....as Medea would say....oh Tyler Perry your movies are awesome. Sorry got destracted....anyways..Padro hooked us UP! So the stress of that is finally over as well.

Tonight one of the soul choir people, Monti, invited me to play a writers round with him....so that is what I'm going to do. This is the life as of now....super excited for these opportunities and super excited to go back to KC for awhile. I'm ready to see family, friends, and especially my honey WES!!!! But until next time here is a little something...I thought this was really funny.. "Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it." hahahaha

Monday, June 8, 2009

So other things have been happening....
1st off, Last thursday the 4th...I had an interview with the YMCA. I know what you are thinking....really???? haha....I thought the same thing too--and then I realized...OH WAIT I need some money....cause money pays for things that I like and want...haha. The interview went really well and I am supposed to be hearing something from the lady this week. So I'm hoping. It would only be a couple days a week--which would be a paycheck none-the-less. Friday I had a Soul Choir performance. For those of you reading and don't know what Soul Choir is....it is a choir that sings gospel and R&Bish type songs. We go and minister with music...it's pretty awesome, and I have really awesome friends in there. There is some drama---but if anyone wants to know more--I'll tell you later;) wink wink. ha. The weekend was cool. Got to lay by the pool which was AMAZING! However, note to self---when applying spray sun-tan lotion...make sure you get ALLLL the areas covered. I came in after a productive day at the pool and realized that there was a patch by my right leg the I completely missed...so that was kinda red need less to say---haha. So for all of those who use spary sun tan lotion--make sure to spread it to all areas--you might have to use your hands--CRAZY I know.

I've decided that I am going to be a personal trainer for my friends and charge them money--haha. Good idea I know...I am a genius. It has worked really well I have 3 clients already and getting paid $15 per session---which prolly isn't a lot but they are my friends and I want to be nice....haha...but that's good cause I will get paid every week. So that is also something to pay the bills with. Which is good cause I now have an electric bill in my name--scary--but I was Approved---which is the first step to being a big kid=) I have finally arrived---sort of.....

On Sunday, I picked up my super cool blind friend Briley to take her to practice and she introduced me to her friend Kevin. Now I know all of you are thinking what does that matter, and why are you telling us this.....well Kevin works at the Piano Bar downtown called Big Bang. He liked me, thought I was cute and funny, and heard how talented Briley thought that I was YAY=), and he decided to give me an audition. SO Pray everyone---apparently he makes a living playing there---which that would be awesome cause that actually is a job that applies to my major---haha! So be praying that the audition goes good. Thanks!

My audition for the country guy got moved to June 24th....so everyone pray on that day too. Big issue but finally got it all resolved....Thank you Jesus. =) And for those of you reading this and from my home town....I will be back there on the 24th that evening....so while I'm in town I would love to see you all. Well again, I seem to have blabbed way to much....but as always I like to leave you with a little something special...so until next time..."Why is it called 'after dark' when it really is 'after light'?"

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So this week has already been a struggle and a victory! So as all of you know...I am trying to find a job...which in the music business right now--is a very tough thing to do. However, I have been talking to all of my contacts so hopefully something might turn out from that. So I was hunting on the web monday and tuesday...and I got some leads which was cool. The coolest thing that I found yesterday was an e-mail for a manager of an up and coming country singer. From the clips I have heard, he is Bangin! Super good! Anyways the exciting part is that I have an audition with him and his staff on June 17th to be his touring keyboard player. I have 10 songs to learn b/c they told me they don't really know which song they will choose. 10 songs to chart, learn, rehearse, and perfect so I can get the job! So please pray along with me that things will work out.

My roommate of 3 years, Sara, is moving to Memphis cause she took the choir job. I will miss her. I got a new apt in Brentwood which is amazing and my friend Audrey is moving in with me. Super pumped about that! Everyone will have to come see it soon! We move in June 17th. Or at least I do...until she comes back to TN.

Again...struggle and victory. I had a lunch date with my friend Terra, who let me just say is so cool and so wise for us only being 22. We were talking amongst other things...haha...that eventhough it is hard to leave your burdens with the Lord everyday....we have to make an effort to lay them down even if we wake up the next day and want to pick them back up again. Which is a very hard thing for me to do. I know that the Lord will take care of me....but sometimes I want to do it myself...and all He askes is to take it to Him and leave it. He will take it, carry it, and walk beside you every step of the way. I am learning more and more what that means everyday. Don't get me wrong....I mess up sometimes. I am NOT perfect(eventhough my parents sometimes say that I'm close---haha)...and I know that I need the Lord's help....it's just realizing it and stopping myself from being so stubborn. :)

Well that's all the blab that I can handle so until next time: "Never stand between a dog and the hydrant".

Sunday, May 31, 2009

More of Memphis besides the wedding....

So thursday we went down to Jackson to visit our friend Carmen. It was awesome...we went to eat, got ice cream, and got our nails done for the wedding. Mine turned out great and so did Carmen's, Sara's looked good but the dude mauled here pinkey finger. Never good.Friday morning we went to Memphis--cause Sara had an interview. In the afternoon, Wade and Julie had a snow cone celebration...that was cool.

Me, Sara, and Sarah
Me and Julie

Me and Wade

So besides the wedding, we were tourists...haha. Or at least me, cause I have never been to Memphis before. We went to the famous Beale Street on Friday night--which was AMAZING! Come to Memphis just to go there...pretty awesome.

It's kinda like the Vegas strip only no gambling...kinda like downtown Nashville too

We also went to the National Civil Rights Museum..got to see the hotel Dr. King stayed in the night before he was shot. We also went to Stax records...that was cool! All in all a good trip.

Until Next time: "Have you ever noticed, in traffic, anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac!"

Wade and Julie's wedding!

I just got back from Memphis. Pretty cool place...I'd like to go again someday. I got to do a lot of fun things while we were there...including watching Wade and Julie get married. For those of you reading this and don't know who Wade and Julie are, let me explain. Wade and Julie both went to Belmont. Wade played drums with me in my first christian showcase, and Julie has been a dear friend for our college years. Wade packed up last year and went to Knoxville to go to school at UT and Julie quickly followed. So we haven't really seen them in awhile; however, Wade and Julie both came and surprised me for my senior recital..which was so wonderful. There is a little background. Their wedding was amazing! So beautiful--I cried...Here are some pics from the wedding.
1st dance

Sara and I at the reception: Note to self--when the reception is outside, at the end of May, AND in Memphis....bring bug spray! Both Sara and I got eaten alive...not fun!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday May 26th

So I just got done with my interview at Lightning 100 radio station. It went really well. So we will see what happens from here. However, I really think that I 'wow'ed him about my online marketing skills. Thank the Lord my Belmont Education didn't go to waste...hahaha. Those music business classes came in handy for something. One interview down....tons more to go probably...haha.

Tomorrow, I am playing at the Exit/In with Lyndsey Highlander....for all those reading this (and in the Nashville area..you should come). I super pumped about playing tomorrow. I haven't gotten to play there yet in my musical career--so I'm ready for tomorrow night.

Get ready Nashville cause here we come!=)

Until next time:

"Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died."

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday May 24th, 2009

I GRADUATED!!!!! YAY! Belmont University class of 2009!!!

Well today is sunday...and I decided to start a blog. hahaha....who knew. I thought that since I graduated last saturday(16th)..I would keep people informed on my life as of now. First off, I'm looking for a job--which is a little crazy. I've been interviewing, sending resumes, and filling out applications. My adult life has now begun...hahahaha. I had a great time with Wes, family and friends over graduation weekend. Got to play at the Rutledge last wednesday--which was a cool experience. Got to sing at a revival on friday night...that was crazy--that's all I have to say--haha. I'm pretty excited that I have an interview with Lightning 100 on tuesday--which I'm excited about, and I'm playing at the Exit/In on Wednesday. Pretty Pumped about that. Wade and Julie's wedding is this weekend too---that is sooo weird. It seems like yesterday we all were just chillin' in the Bruin Hills apt playing games and watching movies...they are such a great couple and I hope all the best for them.

Me, Sara, and Sarah at graduation...

Terra, me, and Lindz....

Amanda, me, Holley, and Amy

Me and my honey:) down by the river walk

Mom and Dad:)

Granny and Grandpa:)

Me, Andrew, and Shawna:)
-I love my honey, my family and friends. Thanks to all who support me....stay tuned for more stories about my life...haha. Til then here is a funny quote:
"Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings. "