Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Whew...time to update!

Hello everyone...I figured it was time for a blog update.  So I told Hana to get on here she is. :)

Hana here...hey everyone! Since July, let's see what has happened...well first off again the wedding was so wonderful!  Ummm...the honeymoon was AMAZING!  We went to Grand Cayman for about a week.  It was the most beautiful place that I have ever been in my life.  Water so crystal clear that you could see right to the bottom.  It almost looked like you were taking a bath in the ocean.  Wes and I had a blast.  We lounged on the beach a ton, took romantic walks on the beach at sunset, went on a sunset dinner cruise, swam with stingrays, snorkeled a ton, and enjoyed each others company while sipping on a beverage of our choice. :)

Work has been going well for both Wes and I.  Loving what we do, which is always nice to say.  It's really nice to work for a company that is excited for you and takes an interest in your ideas.  I love my job!
Let's see honeymoon(check), work(check), Lady....
Well Lady has been a character here lately.  Loving to be ornery and dig in the yard...but thankfully she hasn't dug up any of my plants though...which is good.  Cause I spent lots of quality time putting in new shrubs....hahahaha. :)  But really she is being a good dog...hasn't been doing anything too terribly bad...which is nice.  Here is a cute picture of her :) Her and her huge tongue hahaha :)
Fall is soon approaching and let me just say that I am super excited for it.  I love fall boots, long sleeved shirts, leggings with skirts, and most importantly hats and cute jackets :)  Well that's all the updates right now.  Until next time...Don't be afraid to take a leap of never know where it will lead. :)