Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where is the time going???

Hello everyone, Young and the Restless here. Where did August go in such a hurry?! It is so crazy that it is almost the middle of September. Well let's get started with the filling in process :)

August here we go...
Well I had some very successful gigs in August. Quite proud of how they turned out actually! I will put pics up soon....I have learned that musicians minds around here are VERY different than musicians minds down at school. I found myself getting severely stressed out over this entire process; however now that I know how everyone thinks around here, I have learned how to react in a less stressed out manner. :) Thank you to all the people that helped with that process. A lot of tears turned into a lot of smiles at the end. Each show had their perks. One show was especially fun because my BFF Audrey came and surprised therefore she sang with me at the show that night :) It was a really great day/gig.

Work is going extremely well! Which I am super excited about. I can't believe that I am a true grown up now. I mean I was sort of a grown up before....but now it just feels legit. Teaching music at these studios is even more wonderful than I ever imagined. I am really getting through to these kids/adults. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I could do this...and here I am reaching my full potential. It's a very exciting time in my life :)

Wes and I are amazing. I couldn't ask for someone better to support me in all the things that I am trying to accomplish. He is there for me every step of the way. This might sound a little silly....but I'm so glad he is around in my life. It's nice to have that feeling about the one you love. We are a good pair. We understand each other. And we work well as a team. I'm excited for what the future holds.

The family is great! Got a chance to hang out with them for Labor Day. It was nice to see everyone and catch up. It was also nice to sit and have a convo with Andrew about med school. I'm very excited for him and all his adventures that are coming his way. I know he's going to do great. Shawna seems to be doing great too. It was nice to see mom and dad just being excited for the whole family to come around. Got to play a little back and forth volleyball action with my cousin(which was nice--even though I suck at volleyball---sorry mom and dad I was never a volleyball champ like you guys were--hahah). Got to meet and chat up my cousins boyfriend--which was pretty fun. Ask him all these questions....hahaha. And it was nice to hang out with her too :) Nice to hang with my aunt and uncle too(Uncle Joel played volleyball with Lauren and I) the grandparents, my great uncle, and a really close friend of the family(which she is like another grandma). I think that was everyone.

Got to go to Santi-cali-gon days with my love...which that was exciting. Just got to walk around holding hands and being love struck :) Which that was so nice!

My good friend Terra is having a a bunch of my friends are throwing her a baby shower....can't wait to meet my little "niece" at some point--she's gonna be the cutest thing I just know it :)

Well I think that is all for August and part of September....And I'll post pics soon. But until next time, "There's no half-singing in the shower, you're either a rock star or an opera diva." haha thanks Josh Groban.