Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hey Hey!

Young and the Restless here.... Just thought that Hana needed another post during the week...don't you??? :) So here I am...your writer, here to tell the stories. So last time Hana got you caught up with her life and all the news that you may have missed. This time she has shared all the news with I am here to relay it to you. Hana and Wes have had the opportunity to spend some good quality time together here in the past week. Which has been great! (or so she says)...:) Like she said in the past post...they have finished painting and now she is on to putting the house back in order. It takes awhile to get everything back in it's place...I do know from personal experience ;) hahaha Oh Hana just got here and would like to talk to you...

Greetings all...2 posts in less than a week...don't you feel lucky :) I do have to thank my creative writer...she keeps me on my toes ;) hahaha. So yes, like Ms. Y&R said...I am trying to get the house back in order since we have finally finished painting. Everything is pretty much back where it needs to go...only a few things left. It's nice to have it almost all put away and finished. The wedding is almost here...which I am absolutely ready for. I'm so excited to marry the sweetest, most wonderful man! Who is my very best friend in life :) Couldn't ask for more! We are anxiously waiting for the big day since everything is pretty much done for the wedding.

Lady is keeping us all on our toes..hahaha...I gave her a bath today which is slowly getting to be a better process. She does not really like baths very well; however, today she didn't mind so much. So maybe she is starting to like them now...who knows. I do know that she absolutely HATES having her nails trimmed. Wes and I have tried and tried to do them ourselves, and we have never made her bleed or anything...and she is terrified. So the past few times I've taken her to a place to get them about DRAMA QUEEN! The person does not even get anywhere near her and she is already howling like they are torturing her. It's really quite sad....I don't like listening to her do that(it makes me feel like a bad mom)---so I can't even imagine how I'll feel when I have a real kid. But that all comes in time...especially the kid part--whoa!

All in all, this past week has gone really well. We had a performance for my vocal kids on Saturday. Mom, Dad, and Wes came to support me. It was my first performance that I did alone, no other teachers, just me. Everything went pretty good...most of the kids were on their game, a few were terrified and nervous which affected their singing a little bit...but all in all...they did good.

Well that's enough for now...back to the creative writer on hand :) Thanks Hana....well until next time---Worry not about the things of in the now.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Just thinking :)

So I'm sitting here and I realize that the stories from the Young and the Restless haven't really been updated in a here I am...your writer. Previously on the Young and the Restless, we were recapping Hana's world. She has a very busy and complex life doesn't she?! :) But we find her now in the beautiful month of May- a little hot for my taste--but hey...I'm just the writer;). She has been settling in nicely after 1 full year here. Wow time sure flies when there is a lot of things that have been done. Let's recap the year....Hana can tell you a little more about it. Thanks Y&R.

Well I have moved, got an amazing job in my music field( which is so wonderful and I feel so blessed to have a career in my field), Wes and I got a puppy, we got engaged, and here I am one year later almost a married woman and never been happier. The wedding plans are pretty much all taken care of....which is so nice. All that remains is waiting for the actual day to be here...YAY!!!

Last weekend, I went and saw all my girls in Nashville. Bachelorette party!!!! HOLLA! We had a blast :) Audrey and Sarah threw me an absolutely amazing party! They really know how to have a good time ;) We had the party at Sarah's house...played lots of games(that made my face very red....and even one game that Wes answered questions to--and I had to guess the answers). We also went downtown, in which we participated in Karaoke, mechanical bull riding, crazy games that had us asking random people silly questions for points, and so many many more things. I cannot tell you how much fun I had!!!

Hummmm....Let's see... Wes is doing great. Working hard like normal, and making me happy as usual too :) We finally decided that we were going to paint our living room and such a couple weeks ago. And it is FINALLYYYYY DONE!!! Thank you Jesus :) We only had one thing left to do and that was the vaulted walls next to the stair case...and I am happy to say that we have that done too. A good friend of mine, Jason, came over and helped us finish it. He used to be a professional painter....So need less to say he did a fantastic job! :) Thanks Jason!

Lady is doing wonderful as well. She is 10 months old and still standing at 40lbs. A petite 40lbs :) Just when I think that she is starting to slow down and get out of her crazy puppy days...she decides to do something stupid like eat the foam stuff off the air conditioner pipe outside. I mean really...come on...then she feels sick and throws up. Isn't that lovely!??? I think NOT! Cause let's just say that Wes doesn't handle throw up very well...and who is left to clean it up...Me! Guess I know how real parenthood is going to be when that day come...hahaha. But she is a good dog though...she has her moments when I look down at her and she is calm, snuggling with me, and gazing at me with those cute puppy eyes...Those are the time I like :)

Work is great. I've started to gain some relationships with my coworkers which is nice. I like what I do. There has been some talk in my own head of going back to school to get a Master's degree. We will see if I have enough will power for that hahaha/ money hahaha :)

Well Hana sounds like everything is going your way. So until next time....this is your writer, the Young and the Restless, signing off....make sure you take time to smell the roses!