Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy November!

Hello all...greetings from the Young and the Restless (and Lady too)! Let's see what's been going on. Lady is feeling tons and tons better...she is now 22.5lbs. WOW I know!!! :) She is such a great companion. Here are some new photos:Other things...Wes and I went to the pumpkin patch and got some pumpkins. We carved them, and handed out candy for the little tricker treaters :) They were so cute!
Me and one of my best friends, Katie, walked for breast cancer as well. That was such an awesome experience! Both of us had never done it it was super cool that we got to walk together. We walked with her YMCA group. Cool group of people. There was over 4,500 walkers there that morning...and they raised about $200,000 for research. Amazing stuff!
Well that's all for now...Young and the Restless signing off. Until next time: Go play in the pretty fall leaves...It's good for the soul.